Tips on Writing for Usability
Design Resources
- Adobe Color: interactive web app to help you choose nice color schemes.
- Colour Lovers: a community of people who post and vote on color palettes.
- Colorgorical: research-driven model to help you create color palettes that are both aesthetically pleasing and optimized for communicating data.
- LOLColors: curated color palette inspiration
- Fontpair: collection of fonts that go well together.
- Beautiful Web Type: showcases the most beautiful fonts from Google’s free WebFonts collection
- Typewolf Typography Resources: a collection of resources related to typography, including online forums where you can ask questions.
- Subtle Patterns: a great collection of unobtrusive background patterns for a website.
- icons8: huge collection of icons.
- Noun Project: enormous collection of well-designed icons. Many are free (at least with attribution).
- Flat Icon: sets of icons with visually consistent design
- Sketch: Mac OS X app to help you draw new designs. Free trial or $50 student license.
- FindA.Photo: search engine for free stock photos that includes search-by-color
- Pexels: high quality free stock photos that you can use
- Frontify: rapidly create a style guide for your app
- Unsplash: you can find high-resolution royalty-free photos here.
- Freesound: a large database of indexed audio / music files, with clear rules for attribution. Extensive metadata provided.
- inVision: create prototypes for web or mobile. Lots of integrations. My favorite prototyping tool right now. Note: we have a class code for free unlimited use until 6 months after you graduate.
- Adobe XD: Adobe’s new interface design tool. It just came out of beta and if you have Adobe Creative Cloud I suggest you try it out.
- Marvel: create desktop and mobile prototypes. Integrates with Sketch. Nice free plan.
- Facebook Design Resources: a set of images and tools curated by Facebook to be used during UI prototyping.
Mobile Resources
- Android Design Guide: design guidelines and patterns that are consistent with the android experience.
- iOS Design Guide: design guidelines and patterns that are consistent with the iOS experience.
Design Inspiration
- Dribbble: showcase of what designers are working on
- Awwwards: awards for design, creativity, and innovation on the internet
- Niice: sort of a more design focused pinterest site that can be used to create moodboards (and explore ones created by other people).
- muzli designers: browse the work by a number of designers
- heyuser: a video gallery for mobile onboarding inspiration